The concept and principle of ozone disinfection

Author:Ozonegreenplant Publish Time: 2021-02-03

Ozone disinfection technology it is a invented by a German chemist C.F. Shebain in 1840.

It was used in the water treatment and disinfection industry in 1856. At present, ozone has been widely used in water treatment, air purification, food processing, medical treatment, medicine, aquaculture and other fields, which has greatly promoted the development of these industries.

Ozone disinfection refers to water treatment technology that uses ozone as a disinfectant. Ozone is a strong oxidant. After being dissolved in water, it directly or utilizes a large number of hydroxyl radicals and new ecological oxygen generated in the reaction to indirectly oxidize inorganic and organic substances in the water, and enter the cells of bacteria to oxidize intracellular organic substances, thereby achieving sterilization. The purpose of disinfection and purification of water quality, compared with chlorination disinfection, ozone disinfectant is less fashionable, quick to act, and has better disinfection effect. At the same time, it can improve the taste and look of the water.

Sterilization principle

Ozone is a strong oxidant, and the sterilization process is a biochemical oxidation reaction. O3 sterilization has the following 3 forms:

1. Ozone can oxidize and decompose the enzymes necessary for the internal glucose of bacteria to inactivate and die.

2. Directly interact with bacteria and viruses, destroy their organelles, DNA, and RNA, destroy the metabolism of bacteria and cause the death of bacteria.

3. Through the cell membrane tissue, invade into the cell, and act on the lipoprotein of the outer membrane and the lipopolysaccharide inside, causing the bacteria to undergo permeability distortion and dissolve and die.


1. Ozone is irritating to the mucous membrane of the human respiratory tract. When the ozone concentration in the air reaches 0.15ppm, it can be smelled; according to international standards, it can cause discomfort such as dry mouth when it reaches 0.5-1ppm; it can cause cough when it reaches 1-4ppm; It can cause a strong cough at 4-10ppm. Therefore, the disinfection of the air with ozone must be in the absence of people, and at least 30 minutes after disinfection can enter.

2. Ozone is a strong oxidant, which can damage a variety of items. The higher the concentration, the heavier the damage will be. It can cause green rust spots on the copper sheet, rubber aging, discoloration, and reduced elasticity, resulting in brittleness, breakage, and bleaching and fading of fabrics. .

The effect of ozone

The speed and effect of ozone sterilization are unparalleled. Its high redox potential determines its wide application in oxidation, decolorization and deodorization. Some studies have pointed out that ozone can kill almost all substances harmful to the human body when dissolved in water. , Such as iron, manganese, chromium, sulfate, phenol, benzene, oxides, etc., it can also decompose organic matter and kill algae.